Maya Griffin

Maya Griffin

Author / Pitcher

Hi, I’m Maya, and I'm a young adult and new adult author, proofreader, and blogger/writer.

I was born in Gauteng in 1994 but grew up in Hermanus.

Since 2014, I've been working as an article researcher and writer for nosyrosy.co.za. In 2015, I did scriptwriting work for the Canadian company WatchMojo.com and saw my scripts come to life in their published videos.

In 2019, I graduated from Stellenbosch University with a BA Language and Culture degree.

My website The World According to Maya, is one of my pride and joys where I passionately blog and create videos about books, movies, and music.

I think I was born a massive bibliophile but only became aware of it much later. My parents introduced me to Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes as a bedtime story to get me to sleep but in fact, it had the opposite effect of sending me into stitches of giggles. I completed my first young adult novel in 2022.

I’m constantly called over by friends and family to answer questions regarding who directed which film, who composed the music for this one, which actors starred in this show etc., due to my extensive and eclectic knowledge of movies, series, music, and books.

I sometimes feel like Robin Williams from one of my favourite films of his, Mrs. Doubtfire, because I always goof around with different voices and accents. People ask me to deliver quotes from any movie or TV show which I usually remember by heart, and that always gives me joy.

All Sessions by Maya Griffin